Interspire SEO Module / Custom URLs

Interspire Shopping Cart (ISC) by default comes riddled with common issues that Google finds to be duplicate content. The Interspire SEO Module we at Think Genius have created will fix almost all the vital issues that are picked up by most SEO companies who will scan and analyze your site for duplicate content and other common issues that Google will penalize your store for in regard to organic rankings.

The modification will force http and disallow https on all front-end pages where https is not required. As an example, the my accounts section and the checkout process are the only pages where https should be enforced. The same with www and no www prefix to the domain.

By default, when utilizing SEO friendly links, the product pages for instance end with a .html extension. If you remove the .html extension the product page will still open. The category pages also end in a /. You can simply add /- or /–, etc… for instance, which Interspire will ignore, thus allowing the correct page to load, however, there are no 301 redirects in place that will fix the URL.

The module will remove all .html links from product pages, force all pages, categories and products to appear in lowercase letters and remove any trailing slashes. (The forcing of lowercase links is of course optional, as all brand pages should allow uppercase lettering or all the brand names will appear lowercase)

Not only are the links fixed and created to be uniform, all older links prior to the modification are automatically 301 redirected to the new link.

Changing the links is simply not enough. For instance, if I have a product page link that is as follows: , simply changing the link to remove the .html and 301 redirect to automatically only does so much if the site is still linking from the sitemap, category pages, etc… to the original link. The modification automatically changes all the links generated on the site to point to the correct link. So when viewing the category page, all links generated on site will correctly generate the new link, which would be something like (if lowercase characters are enforced). This way your own site is correctly linking to itself internally and not simply 301 redirecting in every case.

In addition to a slue of modifications helping on site SEO, such as remove URL parameters for sorting, searching, comparing products and currency conversion, where instead of using the POST method for forms as opposed to GET, where options and parameters are placed into the actual URL like “?page=1&sort=featured” for instance, are all removed from the URL structure thus eliminating even more duplicate content.

In addition to the SEO modifications, additions to the brands, categories, pages and product pages now allow for custom URLs, so that you are not forced to use the product name, the page name, the brand name or the category name that you have given in the back-end. While most of the time the name of the product, brand, category or page does make sense one of the issues with ISC is that each of these MUST be unique. Therefore when listing multiple products that are very similar issues can arise forcing you to add extra spaces in the product name for instance. With the custom URLs you can create keyword friendly URL structures allowing for better on site optimization.

This modification works with ISC 6.1.1 – 6.1.8 and is fully supported and with each purchase you get free installation and support for the modifications.

Price: $1,500.00

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